Business Intelligence platforms

A Business Intelligence platform (BI Suite, BI management system) is a BI environament which is integrated, self-contained (doesn't need any other external applications to work) and complete. The BI platform's engine should have an ability to query databases using SQL (relational) and MDX (multidimensional).
Typically a BI suite provides the following major functional BI components:

  • Static, Operational Reporting
  • Dynamic Ad-Hoc Querying (OLAP)
  • Dashboards
  • A BI portal based on a common repository
  • Might be closely integrated with ETL engine

Business Intelligence Platforms - BITool software

Links related to Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence software directory -
An independent Business Intelligence and Data warehousing directory which provides links, articles and information about Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, ETL process and Data Integration

Business Intelligence platforms evaluation -
12 Enterprise Business Intelligence Platforms Evaluated by Forrester. Provides a Q2 2008 BI platforms diagram and a detailed description of evaluation criteria.